Knowing Racial Identity Development can Transform into Healing, Connection and Social Action
Learning about racial identity development can help you understand your own emotions, grow compassion for self and others, help you find the right resources you need at that time and prepare you to take steps toward social justice.
Race, a false social construct, still impacts us and hurts us all in ways we may not even realize. Some adults will never achieve the highest level of racial identity development because a lack of exposure and or understanding of how society has been constructed to benefit some and oppress others as Barbara J Love described in her essay "Developing a Liberatory Consciousness"
Luckily, we have model to grow our understanding of racial identity development:
. As you read the descriptions, please note that white folks and folks of color experience the word differently; so there are two sets of schemes though if you were raised by someone of a different race or bi or multiracial you may relate to both. Also, notice the notice the emotions that can occur, and while you do this brave work, prepare yourself to take time for self care, and give yourself grace.
Below is a table that shows the schemes that humans go through and descriptions as well as exercises to get you to the next level, created by Dr Singh can be found online and her book can be purchased online or rented from most libraries. If you want help along the way, with yourself, school or organization shoot us an email!